New Era of Life Science and SDGs

“Life science” is a large interdisciplinary science that encompasses diverse research fields ranging from basic science to applied development, and the base of research fields is rapidly growing.
Hokkaido University established the Graduate School of Life Sciences in 2006. The faculty organization responsible for education is the Faculty of Advanced Life Science.
The Faculty of Advanced Life Science is responsible for undergraduate education in the Department of Biological Sciences  (Macromolecular Functions) in the School of Science, and for graduate education in the Transdisciplinary Life Science Course, Division of Life Science and Division of Soft Matter, Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido University, and is in charge of education and research guidance with research themes in new-generation life sciences, including materials science, data science, genome technology, and active matter.

The faculty members in charge aim to educate students to become creators of a sustainable society through research seeds and other efforts related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), especially 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 14, and 17 goals.

Faculty of Advanced Life Science: Leaflet

Japanese PDF (2022.09 released) →pdf

English PDF (2022.09 released) →pdf

<HU Research Profiles>
Faculty of Advanced Life Science: Research Profiles