2019-10-08 NewsThe “Hokkaido Universal Campus Initiative (HUCI)” Forum
2019-10-03 NewsSDGs Channel: Home Coming Day and SDGs
2019-10-02 Event ReportsHU Life Science Forum 2019 was held!
2019-09-30 Event ReportsFaculty Development Seminar: “the top 10 % journals”
2019-09-24 AwardsAssistant professor Seiichiro Ishihara received the Best Talk Award at the Technical Training Course for the youth of Advanced Animal Model Support.
2019-09-13 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2019-07-25 Event ReportsGingiskan Party was held!
2019-07-05 Event ReportsSDGs Channel: SDGs board game GO・GOALS
2019-07-01 NewsSDGs Channel: Studying Life Science and Innovating Novel Materials