2020-10-28 NewsPRESTO(Precursory Research for Embryonic Science and Technology)
2020-10-19 Event ReportsOnline Open Campus 2020
2020-10-09 AwardsThe Biophysical Society of Japan Student Presentation Awards
2020-09-29 NewsTasuku Nakajima (Associate Professor) was selected as one of Excellent Teachers for AY2019.
2020-09-23 CallingIntroduction of Biological Sciences (Macromolecular Functions)
2020-09-23 NewsHokkaido University X SDGs
2020-08-18 PublicationsOsmotic gradients induced the stable dome formation to cell sheets-in vitro approach to 3-dimensional morphogenesis-
2020-07-21 NewsMeasures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on examinations.
2020-07-21 Event ReportsWelcome party for new BC2 students was held online on July 10.