2020-10-09 AwardsThe Biophysical Society of Japan Student Presentation Awards
2020-09-29 NewsTasuku Nakajima (Associate Professor) was selected as one of Excellent Teachers for AY2019.
2020-09-23 NewsHokkaido University X SDGs
2020-08-18 PublicationsOsmotic gradients induced the stable dome formation to cell sheets-in vitro approach to 3-dimensional morphogenesis-
2020-07-28 PublicationsHydrogel mimics human brain with memorizing and forgetting ability
2020-06-26 AwardsProf. Sakae Tsuda in the laboratory of Biomolecular Adaptation Science received 2019 Society Award from the Japanese Society for Cryobiology and Cryotechnology (JSCC)
2020-06-19 CallingThe 31th Cell Biological Science Workshop “Training Course 1 of fluorescence microscope”
2020-06-08 NewsApplication for the MEXT Scholarship: IGP special quota (enroll in October 2021) is open now.
2020-05-29 CallingResearch Student status (including applications for an extension) in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science