REHAN IBRAHIM FARAG MOHAMMED|生命科学専攻・博士後期課程・2年生(当時)
Attending “The 23rd International Symposium on Glycoconjugates” in Croatia-Split was as a memorable event in my life. It was more than excellent symposium, because I was able to know new ideas and improved my scientific research in glycobiology.

Meanwhile, I had the opportunity to interact and upgrade my knowledge by meeting many top scientists whom attended this conference and learned many things there. I was lucky to represent my research in “poster presentation” to show my research and experience to many researchers in order to strengthen my ability without hesitation to interact and exchange information with other renowned scientists world-wide.
On the other hand, the participation in this kind of symposium was extremely important for my career as my presentation was titled “sialic acid as a glyco-biomarker of seasonal variation in dairy cow”, using glycoblotting, MALDI-TOF/MS, and DMB-HPLC as a potential combination analysis; based systematic strategy that allowed concurrently for large-scale serum N-glycome analysis and quantitation of the non-reducing terminal sialic acids was established.
By applying the present protocol, I discovered highly sensitive serum N-glycan biomarkers indicating an environmental/heat stress affecting general health condition, especially homeostatic immune balance of Holstein dairy cows. Thus my research received a very good impression and interesting from many scientists in the symposium, especially as novel research topic done in a productive animal model “Holstein dairy cows; (Attached some photos taken during the discussion of my poster session).

With no doubt, I am grateful as this travel gave me of good feedback and great impact on my research especially to write publications to a peer-reviewed international journal.
In addition to gaining a good scientific income, also I learned a lot about Croatian history and culture, and of course I enjoyed the weather and making friendships in Split.
I really love to acknowledge my professor for giving me such opportunity and also thanks to the responsible at Hokkaido Univ., whom support and obtain me the opportunity to travel to one country of the European union “Croatia” to represent my research, thanks a lot. I wish I could imprint a good image there. Also I believe that I will make the best use of my knowledge gained during my attendance in this conference and make a good contribution to my home country, Africa-Egypt.