Application for the MEXT Scholarship: IGP special quota (enroll in October 2024) is open now.

The Graduate School of Life Science’s “TRAINING PROGRAM FOR INNOVATORS IN LIFE SCIENCES – Be a Bridge between Hokkaido and the World -” (International Graduate Program) is designed for international students who major in life sciences and are seeking to continue graduate studies in Japan.

Students of this program can apply for a MEXT* scholarship: IGP special quota. 3-year scholarships for 7 doctoral students and 2-year scholarships for 1 master’s student are available for international students during their study at Hokkaido University.

(*the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan)

The application for a MEXT scholarship: IGP special quota is open NOW!

Interested students should contact prospective supervisors to discuss their suitability for this scholarship by November 30, 2023. After a professor agrees to sponsor a student, application documents should be submitted to the supervisor, who will be subsequently submit to the IGP administration office by December 27, 2023.

If you wish to apply for this scholarship, first find a laboratory that matches your research goals and contact the professor directly.

For more information, go to the IGP website.

IGP website:

MEXT Scholarship: IGP Special Qupta IGP-MEXTscholarship-leaflet2024