2019-05-31 CallingApplication for the MEXT Scholarship: IGP special quota (enroll in October 2020) is open now.
2019-05-30 NewsADVANCED LIFE SCIENCE SEMINAR co-organized by IGP
2019-05-24 NewsDigital signage, School of Science, SDGs Channel 「Interdisciplinary Research Forum & SDGs Workshop in HU」
2019-05-24 Event ReportsFD event on April.
2019-05-23 AwardsMr. Naohiro Kashimura has won a best poster presentation award at the Ceramic Society of Japan Annual Meeting 2019.
2019-05-10 CallingThe 30th Cell Biological Science Workshop “Training Course 1 of fluorescence microscope”
2019-05-07 NewsHokudai Jiho 2018, back number list
2019-05-07 NewsDigital signage, School of Science, SDGs Channel
2019-04-26 AwardsMs. MAFY Noushaba has won the CSJ Student Presentation Award 2019 in the 99th CSJ annual meeting