2018-06-19 AwardsMr. Ken’ichi Hoshino has won the PP’2018 Best Poster Award.
2018-06-19 AwardsMr. Kazuki Fukao has won the SPSJ AM Poster Award.
2018-06-13 News”Idea Generation Workshop for Small Groups” FY2018
2018-06-12 NewsCall for Cell Biological Workshop in Kobe (Training course for Fluorescence Microscopy, Aug. 6-10, 2018)
2018-06-08 NewsApplication guidelines for the First Selection (enroll in October 2018/ April 2019) has been released.
2018-04-02 Newsnew HU Research Magazine “Soft Matter: Material of the Future”
2018-04-02 NewsAnnounce: renewal of websites
2016-05-31 NewsIGP Introduction Movie Released!