Yingqi MU(China)
Division of Soft Matter, MC2
Laboratory of Molecular Device
The Faculty of Advanced Life Science and the Graduate School of Life Science offer “Skill Development Support” to their graduate students.
The program is for students in the Division of Life Science (Transdisciplinary Life Science Course) or the Division of Soft Matter. Students in the “MC-DC combined program to shorten course study” and outstanding students who wish to advance to the doctoral program are eligible for this program. The program aims to improve students’ research skills by providing support for activities such as participation in academic conferences.
Here is a report by student who received the support.
The 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting (2023)
My name is YINGQI MU and I am about to be a Ph.D. student at Hokkaido University. I belong to the Laboratory of Molecular Device in Graduate School of Life Science, Professor Ijiro Kuniharu’s lab.
In the final month of the master course, I am honored to have the opportunity to participate in the 103rd CSJ Annual Meeting. This is a great conference organized by the Chemical Society of Japan, gathering so many talented scientific researchers in the field of chemistry. I feel that by collecting research information and presenting my research results so far, I had an experience that will be useful for dealing with current issues and inspiring future research.
The conference was held from March 22 to 25 in Tokyo University of Science. In an atmosphere that I usually cannot feel in online conference, I can not only hear the contents of cutting-edge research and obtain information that would be useful for my research, but also listen to the inspiring presentations on the spot and communicate with some researchers face to face.

I gave an oral presentation and that is my first time in a conference (several poster presentations before). I was nervous before the presentation. Fortunately, the presentation went well, but improvements are necessary. The audience listened carefully and asked unanticipated questions that made me consider my research from different angles, which is the reason why such a conference is necessary.

During this conference, I was able to enrich my knowledge related to my research and obtain information that will be useful for future research. At the same time, I feel that it was an experience that reminds what I lacked now, such as language skills, and is helpful to my future in many ways.