2022-07-12 EventThe international summer school on soft matter, “softmat2022”Duration2022-07-12-2022-07-22
2021-07-07 EventONLINE Hokkaido Summer Institute 2021 (5 courses) by Faculty of Advanced Life Science will be opened.Duration2021-07-07-2021-09-04
2020-06-01 EventHokkaido Summer Institute 2020Duration2020-06-01-2020-09-06
2019-09-28 EventHU Life Science Forum 2019Duration2019-09-28
2019-07-17 EventGSS International Mini-Symposium “Soft Matter Deformation and Function.”Duration2019-07-17
2019-06-24 EventHokkaido Summer Institute 2019Duration2019-06-24-2019-09-15
2018-12-06 EventSDGs Seminar in HU vol.001Duration2018-12-06
2018-11-19 Event6th International Life-Science Symposium (6th ILSS) on Nov. 19Duration2018-11-19
2018-09-29 EventHOME COMING DAY 2018 on Sept. 29Duration2018-09-29