[Research] Global Station for Soft Matter (GSS) was established in April 2016

Global Station for Soft Matter (GSS) was established in April 2016 to further the progressive development of soft matter, which contributes to solve social problems such as aging, environmental pollution and lack of resources. Serving as an international research hub, in collaboration with ESPCI ParisTech and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and so forth, GSS aims to expand the world-leading fundamental scientific research of soft matter, innovative soft materials discovery and its medical applications, and also establish a division of soft matter to produce multidisciplinary graduates of science and engineering. GSS is expected to provide one of the most innovative platforms of soft matter research and education in the world.


GI-CoRE link https://gi-core.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/main/
GSS link https://gi-core.oia.hokudai.ac.jp/gss/