2022-07-06 AwardsBest Presentation Award at the 70th Annual Conference on Mass Spectrometry
2022-06-17 PublicationsThe mechano-sensor PIEZO1 in tendon cells enhances the athletic performance of individuals −expected for clinical applications to promote healthy life span−
2022-06-10 AwardsThe 22nd Annual Meeting of the Protein Science Society of Japan Student Oral Presentation Award
2022-06-01 NewsAssociate Prof. Tasuku Nakajima will provide a lecture at “Hokudai Doshin Academy”
2022-05-26 PublicationsInterferon-β localized in the sealed intercellular space drives collective cancer cell invasion via STAT1 activation
2022-05-20 Event ReportsThe 16th Research Exchange Seminar for young researchers for the Faculty of Advanced Life Science (FD seminar)
2022-05-18 NewsDC Talk: “Interest” Is My Driving Force
2022-05-16 NewsAward Ceremony: The title of Hokkaido University Distinguished Researcher(Dr. Nakajima)
2022-05-13 NewsThe 33th Cell Biological Science Workshop “Training Course 1 of fluorescence microscope”