2021-01-22 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2021-01-06 NewsThe 8-th Hokkaido University Open Facility Symposium
2020-12-25 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2020-12-18 NewsInterview series by School of Science “Macromolecular Science x mathematics”
2020-12-04 NewsExtension of the Erasmus+ Programme between the University of Belgrade.
2020-12-04 Event ReportsReport of “Hirameki Tokimeki Science” was published in Hokkaido University News.
2020-12-04 AwardsCrSJ Annual Meeting and General Assembly 2020 70th Anniversary Student Presentation Awards
2020-12-01 NewsSDGs Action in Hokkaido University
2020-11-27 Event ReportsThe 3rd Research Exchange Seminar for young researchers for the Faculty of Advanced Life Science (FD seminar)