2021-03-01 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2021-03-01 Event ReportsFaculty and Stuff Development Seminar 2020
2021-03-01 Event ReportsHokkaido University President’s policy explanation and opinion exchange meeting
2021-02-19 Event ReportsThe 5th Research Exchange Seminar for young researchers for the Faculty of Advanced Life Science (FD seminar)
2021-02-12 Event ReportsSDGs x Hokkaido Exchange Seminar
2021-02-05 AwardsProfessor Tokiyoshi AYABE and Associate Professor Tasuku NAKAJIMA was awarded the Hokkaido University President’s Award for Excellence in Research and Education for FY2020.
2021-02-03 NewsResearch proposal of specially appointed associate professor Takayuki Nonoyama selected for FOREST (Fusion Oriented Research for disruptive Science and Technology), JST.
2021-01-29 Event ReportsThe 4th Research Exchange Seminar for young researchers for the Faculty of Advanced Life Science (FD seminar)
2021-01-22 PublicationsMolecular dynamics simulation of cellulose synthase subunit D octamer with cellulose chains from acetic acid bacteria; Insight into dynamic behaviors and thermodynamics on substrate recognition