2020-09-11 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2020-09-06 Event ReportsThe 2nd Research Exchange Seminar for young researchers for the Faculty of Advanced Life Science (FD seminar)
2020-09-01 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2020-08-18 PublicationsOsmotic gradients induced the stable dome formation to cell sheets-in vitro approach to 3-dimensional morphogenesis-
2020-07-28 PublicationsHydrogel mimics human brain with memorizing and forgetting ability
2020-07-15 NewsHokudai Jiho 2019, back number list
2020-06-19 CallingThe 31th Cell Biological Science Workshop “Training Course 1 of fluorescence microscope”
2020-05-29 CallingResearch Student status (including applications for an extension) in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2020-05-01 PublicationsClarifying a mechanism of enteritis due to abnormalities in antimicrobial peptide