2019-02-19 Event ReportsFaculty Development, “General Assembly 2018”
2019-02-14 NewsOpen Facility Symposium
2019-02-01 PublicationsThe AAA+ ATPase/ubiquitin ligase mysterin stabilizes cytoplasmic lipid droplets
2019-02-01 PublicationsSelf-growing materials that strengthen in response to force
2019-02-01 NewsNew Technology Presentation Meeting!
2019-01-21 NewsHITACHI-HOKUDAI Lab Symposium, 12, Feb. 2019
2019-01-17 NewsReport on Soft Matter Open Unit, SMOU at Open Facility Symposium 15, Feb. 2018
2019-01-07 Event ReportsSDGs Seminar in HU vol.001
2018-12-17 NewsACADEMIC FANTASISTA 2018