2018-06-07 CallingResearch Student status (including applications for an extension) in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2018-05-29 CallingRecruitment of Professor in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2018-04-05 NewsE-Newsletter : Hokkaido University Times “Division of Soft Matter to be established”
2018-04-02 Newsnew HU Research Magazine “Soft Matter: Material of the Future”
2018-04-02 NewsAnnounce: renewal of websites
2017-12-28 NewsOne Tenure-Track Position (Specially appointed associate professor or specially appointed assistant professor) at Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2017-12-15 NewsApplication guidelines for Research Student for April 2018 enrollment
2017-05-16 NewsSMOUソフトマター機器共用ユニット ホームページ公開
2017-04-24 NewsRecruitment Recruitment of Specially-Appointed Assistant Professor in Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Hokkaido University