2021-11-11 NewsNMR Platform Kickoff Symposium 2021
2021-10-20 CallingRecruitment in the Faculty of Advanced Life Science
2021-10-19 NewsPR VIDEO: Interview Series by School of Science “Physics ✕ Macromolecular Functions”
2021-10-08 NewsReduce food loss! ~ Challenge of 4 undergraduate students ~
2021-09-22 NewsVirtual research conference for fluorescence and luminescence imaging: Hikari-juku
2021-09-14 NewsOnline-lecture on Utilization of Hokkaido University Advanced NMR Facility by Prof. Aizawa
2021-09-14 NewsNew NMR Platform activity
2021-09-14 AwardsThe Society of Polymer Science, Japan (SPSJ) Hokkaido Branch, Hokkaido Young Polymer Scientist Collegium, Student Poster Presentation Awards
2021-09-06 NewsNew Era of Life Science and SDGs