2018-09-12 PublicationsA part of the molecular mechanism for the light-gated anion channelrhodopsin has been revealed.
2018-08-21 NewsJASIS 2018, the largest exhibition in Asia specialized in analytical and scientific instruments
2018-08-14 NewsHokkaido University Crossroads exchange meeting
2018-07-19 Publications“Double network” structure to boost the strength of rubber materials.
2018-07-11 NewsOpen Courseware “NMR technology”
2018-04-02 Newsnew HU Research Magazine “Soft Matter: Material of the Future”
2018-04-02 NewsAnnounce: renewal of websites
2017-05-16 NewsSMOUソフトマター機器共用ユニット ホームページ公開
2016-04-25 News【研究】国際連携研究教育局(GI-CoRE)ソフトマターグローバルステーション開設