France Unit

Unit Leader

Costantino Creton, Ph.D.


CNRS Research Director

ESPCI, PSL Research University, and CNRS

Research keywords:

Adhesion, Fracture, Gels, Elastomers,
Dynamic Bonds, Soft Materials

*The following members are listed in alphabetical order.

Dominique Hourdet, Ph.D.



ESPCI, PSL Research University, and Department of Chemistry, Sorbonne University

Research keywords:

Responsive Polymers, Macromolecular Assemblies, Hydrogels, Hybrid Networks

Xueyu Li, Ph.D

Postdoctoral Fellow

Global Station for Soft Matter, GI-CoRE, Hokkaido University

Research keywords:

Polymer Gels, Soft Matter, Fracture behavior, Polymer Self-assembly

Anke Lindner, Ph.D.



ESPCI, PSL Research University, and Department of Physics, University Paris Diderot

Research keywords:

Complex Fluids, Active Matter, Microfluidics, Rheology, Fluid-structure Interactions

Alba Marcellan, Ph.D.


Associate Professor

ESPCI, PSL Research University, and Department of Chemistry, Sorbonne University

Research keywords:

Macromolecular Design, Fracture, Adhesion, Damage Mechanisms, Physical (reversible) Interactions, Polymer Fibers

Cécile Monteux, Ph.D.

CNRS Research Associate

ESPCI, PSL Research University and CNRS

Research keywords:

Emulsions, Foams, Encapsulation, Adsorption Dynamics, Interfacial Rheology, Polymers, Collloids

Tetsuharu Narita, Ph.D.


CNRS Research Associate

ESPCI, PSL Research University, and CNRS

Research keywords:

Hydrogel, Nonlinear Rheology, Microrheology, Light Scattering

Thomas Salez, Ph.D.

CNRS Research Associate

University of Bordeaux and CNRS

Research keywords:

Liquids at Interfaces, Glass Transition, Polymers

Dong Shi, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Global Station for Soft Matter, GI-CoRE, Hokkaido University

Research keywords:

Tough soft matter, Polymer gels

Yanan Ye, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Global Station for Soft Matter, GI-CoRE, Hokkaido University

Research keywords:

Tough Hydrogel Membrane, Block Copolymer, Self-Assembly, Rheology, Small X-ray Scattering