2022-03-11 NewsAward: Grant Program for Biomedical Engineering Research, Nakatani Foundation (Dr. A. Kitamura)
2022-03-11 NewsAward: Grant Program by Hagiwara Foundation of Japan (Dr. A. Kitamura)
2022-03-03 NewsSDGs and Hokkaido
2022-03-03 Event ReportsFaculty and Stuff Development Seminar 2021
2022-03-02 NewsFaculty of Advanced Life Science, Notice of Appointment
2022-02-25 Event ReportsThe 14th Research Exchange Seminar for young researchers for the Faculty of Advanced Life Science (FD seminar)
2022-02-21 PublicationsDNA design brings predictability to polymer gels (Assoc. Prof. Xiang Li’s group)
2022-02-17 AwardsProfessor Shin-Ichiro NISHIMURA was awarded the Hokkaido University President’s Award for Excellence in Research and Education for FY2021
2022-01-24 NewsInternational Summer School 2022 in Cargese