
Based on a firm foundation of physics, chemistry and biology, this course is intended to help students build the research capabilities required to investigate the nature of life with new perspectives. It is also designed to foster the development of human resources with detailed knowledge of life science and the skills required to put such expertise into practical use in active roles supporting various fields in society. Against such a background, candidates for the course are expected to have gained a solid grounding in the basics of biology as well as chemistry, physics, mathematics and other natural science essentials during their undergraduate years.

To foster outstanding individuals capable of leading the next generation with fresh ideas supported by solid knowledge, the course provides systematic and comprehensive teaching to students in well-established fields of life science. This course is composed of four areas of study required for future life science, including new areas that were previously difficult to cover in full-scale education.

Three Policies

Three Policies: Admission Policy, Curriculum Policy, and Diploma Policy